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On May 6th, Dr. Alemu Beeftu drove to Brownwood, Texas to minister at a kingdom gathering with a number of speakers. The topic of the 2-day conference was “Where the Word & Spirit Come Together to Impact Regions and Nations!” The gathering was organized by Living Water Ministries & Heart of Texas Area Aglow International.


He was asked to lay a foundation with an apostolic grace for other speakers to build on that foundation. In doing this, Alemu used the topic of “Time to fly with two wings” to show the participants the major problem of focusing on word or spirit at the expense of the other one. 

In this new season, the Body of Christ needs to balance the revelation of the word with the power of the Holy Spirit. The church reformation brought back the authority of the word while Pentecostals and the Charismatic movement restored the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit. However, the challenge has been to keep the two in balance to fly with two wings.

... so many received the message with tears of repentance.

In this new season, the Lord will restore the Body of Christ the full revelation of the word with its authority as well as the power of the Holy Spirit with His personality – gift, fruit, power, and anointing and transformation (2 Corinthians 3:18) in order to renew everything for the full manifestation of the glory of the Lord for all nations to see (Isaiah 40:5, Revelation 21:5). The only way to advance the kingdom to impact nations would be by strengthening the two wings for the Body of Christ to take off.

This teaching opened the eyes of the participants and so many received the message with tears of repentance. The feedback on the impact this session made has been overwhelming to say the least. The Lord confirmed this message by an amazing manifested presence and move of the Holy Spirit. A commitment was made to make this gathering an annual gathering in order to bring change to the region.




“To develop, equip and empower leaders among the nations to serve God’s purpose and impact their generations.”


To equip and empower Christian leaders to serve God’s purpose and impact their generations (Acts 13:36).



To find and raise up leaders in the Body of Chris, moving them out of the ordinary into an extraordinary relationship with God, then sending them forth to correct the past and shape the future.



To equip transformational leaders who have the calling, gifting, and character to make a significant impact on society for the kingdom of God in the developing and developed world.



To equip, empower, and mobilize the international community from region to region and nation to nation to experience the goodness of the Lord and the demonstration of the Gospel.


Dr. Alemu Beeftu is the founder and president of Gospel of Glory. We are located at Denton, Texas.



P.O.BOX 1719

Lake Dallas, TX 75065

Phone:  214-513-9992


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